A closer look at modernist cuisine
Former Microsoft executive and inventor Nathan Myhrvold hosts a media open house for his forthcoming book, “Modernist Cuisine,” at his kitchen laboratory in Bellevue, Wash. (Mike Kane / For The Times)
Inside the pages of Myhrvold’s forthcoming book, “Modernist Cuisine.” (Mike Kane / For The Times)
Chef and book co-author Maxime Bilet serves olive oil and vanilla gummy worms during the party. (Mike Kane / For The Times)
Book and image editors examine the cookbook pages while images are displayed on a television screen. (Mike Kane / For The Times)
Chef and book co-author Maxime Bilet pours sweet pea veloute. (Mike Kane / For The Times)
Culinary staffer Johnny Zhu puts the final touches on the sweet pea veloute. (Mike Kane / For The Times)
One of several pieces of biotech equipment repurposed for culinary use at Myhrvold’s lab, including a centrifuge that contains bottles of separated purees. (Mike Kane / For The Times)
Watermelon chips are served during the party. (Mike Kane / For The Times)
A lentil salad with foie gras “Bing cherries” and chamomile is also served. (Mike Kane / For The Times)
Myhrvold explains the use of the centrifuge. (Mike Kane / For The Times)
Members of the food media and the blogosphere converse with chef and co-author Maxime Bilet, in striped apron, during the party. (Mike Kane / For The Times)
Book co-authors, from left, Chris Young, Myhrvold and Bilet pose for photos during the open house. (Mike Kane / For The Times)