
Video: Cookie Monster in the L.A. Times Test Kitchen

Cookie Monster was in the house! Everyone’s favorite furry blue cookie lover stopped by our own Test Kitchen this morning to talk cookies (of course), fill us in on his new “Sesame Street” segment, and teach us a little about -- of all things -- self-control.

“Sesame Street” begins its 44th season today, and Cookie Monster, one of its longtime stars, has appeared on the PBS children’s program since its premiere in 1969.

This season, Cookie Monster is starring in a new recurring feature called “Cookie’s Crumby Pictures.” He’ll parody famous movies while teaching children about self-control.


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Check out the video above for highlights from Cookie Monster’s visit, where he chats with staff writer Patrick Day and me. He talks about everything from being famous (even though his parody video “Share It Maybe” has been viewed over 14 million times on YouTube, he told Patrick he’s not letting fame get to his head) to favorite movie parodies, like James Bond. One of his features, “The Biscotti Kid,” parodies “The Karate Kid.”

And he demonstrates some of the tools he uses for self-control, like focus. He chatted with Noelle about healthy school lunches and involving kids in the kitchen to teach and inspire them about food. During his visit, he wasn’t even tempted -- well, he wasn’t too tempted -- by all the food in the kitchen.

His reward? A cookie, of course!


More school lunch tips


Cookie Monster talks fame and self-control

Behind the scenes in the L.A. Times Test Kitchen
