
Taco Bell will make you a trippy custom taco GIF. Here’s what you need to know.

To celebrate the new smartphone taco emoji, Taco Bell is unleashing 600 custom taco GIFs into the world.

The Irvine-based fast-food chain has created the #TacoEmojiEngine. If you tweet @TacoBell, with a taco emoji + any other emoji, you will receive a custom GIF, like the one below.

Examples include a baseball stadium light that shoots tacos; a taco punching a brick wall that turns into a magic mushroom; a satellite that shoots tacos and lightning bolts into space; and an apple that explodes into tacos. No really, see below.

And if you're more of an I-don't-care-about-emojis-I-like-to-eat-tacos type of person, the chain has released four new Doritos Locos Tacos holsters. Yes, a caddy for your taco. And one of them reads "I can't even."

Sour cream or it didn't happen. Follow me on Twitter @Jenn_Harris_


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