
Katy Perry, Rita Ora, Jessie J need style help at Brit Awards

Singer Katy Perry performs at the Brit Awards 2014 in London wearing an Egyptian-inspired body suit by Nicolas Jebran.
(Ian Gavan / Getty Images)

Some of the looks at the Brit Awards on Wednesday made critics at the Cut blog cringe. Katy Perry performing in a Day-Glo-bright Egyptian-inspired costume, Rita Ora in a banana-yellow gown, Ellie Goulding in a fluff of a dress and Jessie J with lip color reminiscent of zinc oxide sparked the headline “What the Hell Is Happening at the Brit Awards?” Writes Kathleen Hou, “This red carpet is proof of what can happen when all the stylists are away and stars are left to fend for themselves.” Ouch! [The Cut]

But, as usual, Beyoncé may have won the night when it comes to just-right style. See her look — and others both good and questionable, including underwear-clad Daft Punk impersonators — in our photo gallery.

PacSun shirts featuring images of underwear-clad women so upset a mom in Orem, Utah, that she reportedly bought all of them that were in the inventory at a local mall. That way, innocent bystanders — like children and teens — wouldn’t be exposed to them. [Gawker]


“Project Runway” alum Nick Verreos talks to the Los Angeles Times’ Laura Davis about figure skating costumes, including those we’ve been seeing at the Sochi Olympics. [Los Angeles Times]

Shooting for the Sports Illustrated 50th swimsuit edition took edition editor MJ Day around the world, but the only really scary part was photographing Kate Upton in zero gravity — scary because it was a first for the editor. [The Cut]

Gap announced it will raise the minimum wage it pays to U.S. workers to $10 an hour, earning praise from President Obama. [USA Today]


Jacky O’Shaughnessy, age 62, stars in some American Apparel lingerie ads, and, yes, she tells Elle, she has some body issues, “like anyone,” but she was comfortable and relaxed during the shoot. [Elle]

Eva Longoria has a new haircut, featuring bangs. [Los Angeles Times]


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