SMART LIST: Pop culture talking points (Week of August 12)
We wish you could talk about: Virgin Territory. There is a movie out there that was originally called The Decameron and is now called Virgin Territory. It stars Hayden Christensen and Mischa Barton and must not be very good because it has been shelved for quite some time. At some point, we think it was supposed to come out next Friday. It isnt, but were curious about Bartons future, and therefore, wish it were. (Not Friday) (Andreas Rentz / Getty Images)
You should talk about: John McCain. The presidential candidate who, weve been told, is more comfortable as an underdog has a book coming out this week. Its called Hard Call: Great Decisions and the Extraordinary People Who Make Them and is an anatomy of the decisions that shaped the previous century. Apparently his co-writer Mark Salter did 90 percent of the work, but Publishers Weekly loved it! (Tuesday) (George Nikitin / AP)
There’s no avoiding talk about: Trapped in the Closet. You asked for it, you got it. R. Kelly continues his bizarre one man pop opera with the release of chapters 13-22. This writer is not a huge fan of the series, (we think Kells is above it) but if it serves as a gateway to the crazy mind of this pop genius then it’s not all bad. You can buy the full DVD at the end of the month, but on August 13th you can go to where new chapters will be posted daily. (Monday) (Kevin Winter / Getty Images)
You will at the very least hear about: High School Musical 2. It’s back people! If, like us, you have limited contact with any persons in the 7-15 age group, you may know little to almost nothing about High School Musical,the made for TV movie that has become a sensation, nay, obsession, nay, phenomenon! If you have a child in the afore mentioned age range however, you probably know all the songs to the first film by heart. This week the sequel airs on ABC. Should be grrrreat! (Friday) (Adam Larkey / AP)
If you have nothing else to do you could talk about: Gymnastics. It’s summer. It’s hot. You don’t want to go out of the house. Not even to rent a movie. You want to eat ice cream. In front of your TV. But is there anything good on? Oh. There’s a gymnastics tournament on NBC. Perfect. You’ll watch that. (Friday) (Kelly Jordan / AP)
Are people really still talking about: Dave Matthews? This guy has been around FOR-EVER. According to a knowledgable friend the only people still listening to him are white males, aged 27-32, who were exposed to DMB at a college frat party in the late ‘90s, and kissed a girl after drinking 9 cans of Keystone Light, at which point she said, ‘I like this song.’ Said song was DMB’s ‘Crash Into Me.’” Very illuminating! Well, if you fall into that category you can buy the CD and DVD of the singer in concert at Radio City Music Hall. (Tuesday). (Tim Larsen / AP)