Shameless pleasures
EPIC: Admitting that you were a lucha libre fan -- that is, the real lucha libre of red-faced headlocks and monstrous body slams, not the sissified incarnations one sometimes finds on this side of the Mexican border -- used to be like admitting that you were a freak for roller derby, another fine athletic endeavor that dare not speak its name. -- Reed Johnson
In defense of lucha libre (Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images)
ROCK IT: Barring any future lab-grown clone tours that bring back dead rockers, your only hope to relive the glory of your favorite band is with guitar-wielding impersonators. -- Blake Hennon
In defense of tribute bands. (Lori Shepler / Los Angeles Times)
FREE IS GOOD: Sure, there are music purists out there who frown on concerts in the park, who say it’s not much of a rock ‘n’ roll experience to hear a cover band pick through the KLOS playlist while kids run about, audience members talk away and people who should never dance in public shake their stuff. To which I say: You’re right. But so what? A concert in the park isn’t just about the music. -- Frank Farrar
In defense of free concerts. (Roger Kisby / Getty Images)
DRIVE TIME: There are people -- quite reasonable people, in fact -- who believe that viewing golf on television is as exciting as watching paint dry. To all of those naysayers, I say this: Try listening to it on the radio. -- John Horn
In defense of golf on the radio. (Kirk Mckoy / Los Angeles Times)