Hollywood Headlines; a crazy week in review
Where do we start?
Randy and Evi Quaid are like those people in those “alien invasion” movies when they know something no one else does and run around screaming that we’re all going to die as no one listens. It’s frustrating for us, the audience, because we know they’re right. So have a heart -- or something -- for Randy and Evi Quaid, who attempted to seek asylum in Canada to escape what they call “Hollywood star whackers.” That’s a group of people -- or aliens, we’re not entirely sure -- who are “murdering” their close Hollywood friends -- and the Quaids could be next! Just follow the trail, people.
“Tis another week, so, of course, tis another round of Tinseltown breaksups. This one is between Shia LeBeouf and Carey Mulligan. The pair met on the set of “Wall Street 2” and kept things rather quiet and private for a good while, but according to People, the pair split up about a week ago. MullaBeouf, we barely knew ye. Click for more on Shia and Carey’s sort-of-secret romance. (Evan Agostini / Associated Press)