“Revolver.” “Rubber Soul.” “Sgt. Pepper.” I saw Lou Reed do “Magic + Loss,” and it was amazing. You could go a thousand ways with this: Frank Sinatra . (Jay L. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)
The Band’s “Music From Big Pink” (Salvatore Laporta / Associated Press)
Ron, left:
I would love to have seen Peter Cook and Dudley Moore as Derek and Clive do their masterpiece “Ad Nauseam” from 1979 live. This album is sweet music to my ears (if, by music, one means a stream-of-consciousness, profanity-riddled exercise in hilarious vulgarity far beyond the bounds of anybody’s idea of good taste). Live, I’m sure, it would have really rocked.
The Rolling Stones’ “Their Satanic Majesties Request.” Like the album cover, done in 3-D, in full flower-power gear. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
It would be me, Marvin Gaye, Sam Cooke and Curtis Mayfield, all on one stage performing our biggest hit records. (Ian Gavan / Getty Images)
[“ The Beatles’] “Revolver” would be amazing to see live, if they were able to reproduce that, with the guitar going backward and all that. (gary friedman / Los Angeles Times)
Bob Dylan . My favorites would have to be “Highway 61 Revisited,” “Blonde on Blonde,” “Bringing It All Back Home” and “Another Side [of Bob Dylan].” I would want him to sing them the way they were recorded, not mumbling them. (Josh Anderson / Associated Press)
Tiny Tim’s “God Bless Tiny Tim.” It’s one of the great albums ever. Harry Nilsson approached Richard Perry to produce him because of “God Bless Tiny Tim” [which Perry produced]. (Clarence Williams / Los Angeles Times)