Hes the star of one of this summers biggest movies, Shrek the Third. He was also the star of one of 2004s biggest movies, Shrek 2. The year before that, he made a huge bomb called The Cat in the Hat. Hollywood stars dont get more high-profile than Mike Myers, but does anyone know what he looks like these days? Hes top-name talent, but like the Wizard of Oz, he has become nothing more than a distinctive voice and visual effects. (Genaro Molina / LAT)
Its not the squinty eyes or that weird slicked-back hair that makes Leonardo DiCaprio the sneakiest man in Hollywood. Its that with his pretty-boy looks, he could coast on charm alone. Then he goes and stars in a string of Scorsese films and stumps for environmental causes and pals around with former vice presidents. (Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images)
Toughest: Matt Damon
Theres a difference between brute strength and toughness. The muscle guys got work in the 80s and early 90s. In the 2000s we like our screen heroes silent, but willing to take a few punches, even when it hurts a lot. Matt Damon doesnt say much because tough guys dont have to. They dont make a fuss. They stand there quietly -- and they smolder. (Rick Maiman / AP)
George Clooney isnt built like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but hes got some of the biggest muscle in the business. Who else could push through a black and white movie that looked like it was made in the 1940s, even making sure it got a healthy marketing campaign despite having few big name stars? Only the strongest man in Hollywood. (Reed Saxon / AP)