
Book trailer of note: ‘Crap Taxidermy’ (gird yourselves)

Today marks the day that “Crap Taxidermy” is published. It’s the latest entrant in the blog-to-book genre -- the blog being Crappy Taxidermy, which has been online since 2009.

The blog features pictures of creatures that have been poorly taxidermied. Eyes are askew. Cows are deflated. Critters are unrecognizable. Strange after-death hybrids are created -- like the jackalope, only more so.

What you might expect from a book trailer, then, would be lots of images from the blog. Pictures of taxidermied animals, maybe with a high key voice-over.


This is not that trailer.

Instead, the trailer shows a bit of what appears in the last chapter of the book: How to taxidermy a mouse. This is the first mouse dissection I’ve seen in a book trailer, and for that audaciousness -- and frankness about what’s behind all that crappy taxidermy -- it stands out.

Watch the trailer above (not recommended for those with weak stomachs).

Book news and more; I’m @paperhaus on Twitter
