
QUICK TAKES - Oct. 27, 2009

The vampire world just got a new addition to its clan.

Vertigo, an imprint of the American comic-book publisher DC Comics, is launching a new monthly comic book series from short story writer Scott Snyder.

But the traditional type of bloodsuckers won’t be found on the pages.

“American Vampire,” which hits shelves in March, introduces readers to a new breed of vampire -- more brawny and vicious -- with distinctly American characteristics.

The series’ first story arc, to unfold over the course of five issues, will feature a story line by horror novelist Stephen King. Marvel has had success adapting King’s pre-existing work such as the “Dark Tower” and “The Stand” miniseries. But this new series represents King’s debut in comic book writing. He’ll provide the origin story of the first American vampire: Skinner Sweet, an outlaw of the 1880s.


“He really made it his own thing,” Snyder said in a phone interview. “It was really inspiring to watch him take these characters and make them and their stories so much better.”

-- Yvonne Villarreal
