
19 are injured in riot at prison in Adelanto

From a Times Staff Writer

Nineteen people were injured Saturday in a riot at the Desert View Modified Community Correctional Facility in Adelanto, authorities said.

San Bernadino County Fire Department officials said one victim suffered serious injuries and needed to be airlifted to a hospital. The others suffered minor injuries and also were taken to area hospitals, said Tim Franke, a fire dispatch supervisor.

Franke, who could not specify whether the injured were all inmates, said units arrived at the prison at 4 p.m. in response to a riot in progress. He said firefighters stayed at the facility for six hours as correctional officers secured the prison and identified the injured.


Desert View officials could not be reached for comment.

A 2006 annual report by Boca Raton, Fla.-based The GEO Group, which owned the facility at the time, described Desert View as a medium-security prison with 643 inmates.
