
Trust issues

Re “Religious motto finds prominent homes,” Feb. 16

The group In God We Trust is dead wrong. Its stand is a clear violation of the separation of church and state warned against by Thomas Jefferson and guaranteed by the 1st Amendment.

We are not a Christian nation and must never be a theocracy.

I happen to be a religious Christian, but I also understand how important our Constitution is and fear the radical right in this country and its dangerous inroads into personal freedom for all Americans.

John Nicholas Granet

Palm Springs


Los Angeles is not listed among the 28 California cities that have agreed to display “In God We Trust,” the national motto of the United States adopted by Congress in 1956. To bring our city’s stance to public attention, Angelenos need bumper stickers and signs that state “Los Angeles Does Not Trust God.”


James S. Bonorris

Los Angeles


As the grim fists of radical Republicans posturing as conservatives have risen over the republic during the last decade, we vitally need to uphold the first 10 amendments to the Constitution at every turn. However, the fandango over the imprimatur “In God We Trust” in public display is a senseless distraction from other freedoms now critically eroded.

Are opponents trying to remove the phrase from our currency as well?

David Johannsen

Santa Monica
