
The view from the south side

Re “A real Tijuana hangover,” Feb. 17

Tijuana is not just drug violence and “tacky” tourist traps.

During recent visits, I’ve been to the cultural center at the university with its rich program of contemporary Mexican art and thought. I’ve seen toxic waste sites left behind by multinational corporations.

Then there’s the border wall of solid metal that gives way as you approach the Pacific Ocean to a fence that divides Friendship Park -- an ironic name these days, where families separated by new border restrictions hold their babies up for loved ones to see, friends touch fingers through openings in the mesh, and a striking (and still growing) mural commemorates immigrants who died trying to reach the United States.

As part of a single binational region, we in Southern California could use a more complete picture through coverage of these and other aspects of life in Tijuana today.


Diane Lefer

Los Angeles

Oh please. Americans travel to unsafe regions all the time. The real reason for the drop in American tourists is Mexico fatigue.

Having to cope with millions of illegal Mexican immigrants, their drain on our society and the resultant negative effect on our quality of life has led to a backlash against Mexico.

Who needs to go to Mexico when its entire failed system has migrated here?

Scott L. Phillips

