
Barrage of ads from drug makers

David Lazarus’ article is right on (“Ads spur urge for drugs,” Consumer Confidential,” Feb. 6). My response: If I have to ask my doctor, as the ads solicit, then I need to find a new doctor.

I disagree, however, that “No one knew at the time how quickly such advertising would expand, or how effective it would become.” I’ll bet the drug companies did.

Robert Kroll

La Quinta


I have wondered about the appropriateness of pharmaceutical companies appealing directly to the public with prescription drugs. I also wonder about the integrity of doctors who will succumb to patients who demand a prescription just because they heard on TV it’s good for them.


I am deaf and use the captions for the hearing-impaired, which has an ironic side effect, as it were. I laugh when the message warns of “severe side effects including loss of consciousness or death” while the scene shows the actors smiling.

Dave Kase

Palos Verdes Estates
