


Orange County

Riverside County

*--* Los Angeles County State Assembly Member District 55 *--*

*--* Warren Furitani (D) 15,182 69 Herb Peters (Lib) 3,443 16 Charlotte S. Gibson (AI) 3,370 15 *--*


Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District Measure *--*

*--* 41% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


V -- School improvement bond Requires 55% vote Yes 340 46 No 404 54 *--*


Downey Measure *--*

*--* 61% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


G -- Term limits Yes 3,818 32 No 8,155 68 *--*


Huntington Park Measure *--*

*--* 33% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


B -- Communications users tax Yes 1,253 79 No 332 21 *--*


Inglewood Measure *--*

*--* 26% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


F -- Prohibition on fireworks Yes 2,561 46 No 3,066 54 *--*


Long Beach Community College District Measure *--*

*--* 38% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


E -- School improvement bond Requires 55% vote Yes 26,763 74 No 9,384 26 *--*


Los Angeles Measure *--*

*--* 17% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


S -- Reduction of tax rate Yes 88,566 66 No 45,494 34 *--*


Pasadena Measure *--*

*--* 9% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


D -- Utility users tax continuation Yes 3,575 62 No 2,204 38 *--*


Redondo Beach Unified School District Measure *--*

*--* 33% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


C -- School improvement bond Requires 55% vote Yes 4,765 63 No 2,841 37 *--*


San Gabriel Unified School District Measure *--*

*--* 33% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


A -- Local school education improvement Requires 55% vote Yes 1,381 69 No 621 31 *--*


Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Measure *--*

*--* 7% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


R -- Parcel tax renewal Requires two-thirds vote Yes 4,387 68 No 2,091 32 *--*

*--* Riverside County Menifee Union School District Measure *--*

*--* 52% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


B -- General obligation bond Requires 55% vote Yes 3,522 55 No 2,933 45 *--*


Palm Springs Unified School District Measure *--*

*--* 40% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


E -- General obligation bond Requires 55% vote Yes 6,474 60 No 4,379 40 *--*


Riverside Measure *--*

*--* 11% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


A -- Reduce noise emitted by crowing roosters Yes 8,241 69 No 3,627 31 *--*


San Bernardino Community College District Measure *--*

*--* 67% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


M -- Career and job training facility bond Requires 55% vote Yes 281 63 No 166 37 *--*


Wildomar City Council (5 Elected) *--*

*--* Bob Cashman 641 11 Bridgette Moore 589 10 Marsha Swanson 568 10 Scott A. Farnam 517 9 Sheryl L. Ade 501 9 Harv Dykstra 421 7 Paul Williams 376 7 Martha L. Bridges 374 7 Timothy Lee Underdown 356 6 Darrell Ruff 356 6 Gary A. Andre 273 5 Michael E. Tierney 235 4 Roger Le Clerc 222 4 Steve Beutz 211 4 *--*


Measure *--*

*--* 50% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


C -- Proposed incorporation Yes 929 59 No 645 41 *--*


D -- Future city council elected by district Yes 894 60 No 595 40 *--*

*--* San Bernardino County Redlands Unified School District Measure *--*

*--* 0% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


J -- School construction bond Requires 55% vote Yes 5,814 62 No 3,589 38 *--*


San Bernardino Measure *--*

*--* 0% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


L -- Utility users tax Yes 6,722 83 No 1,408 17 *--*


San Bernardino Community College District Measure *--*

*--* 0% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


M -- College skilled career and job training facility bond measure Requires 55% vote Yes 23,319 63 No 13,664 37 *--*



Upland Unified School District Measure *--*

*--* 0% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


K -- School improvement bond Requires 55% vote Yes 3,573 56 No 2,816 44 *--*

*--* Orange County Anaheim Union School District Board of Education *--*

*--* Jordan Brandman 11,564 43 Vernon F. Beckett 8,550 32 Denis Fitzgerald 4,101 15 Robert J. Flores 2,794 10 *--*


Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District Measure *--*

*--* 39% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


A -- School repair and improvement Requires 55% vote Yes 12,562 56 No 9,986 44 *--*


Newport Beach Measure *--*

*--* 25% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


B -- City hall in the park Yes 8,510 55 No 7,029 45 *--*


San Clemente Measure *--*

*--* 28% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


C -- Pacific golf club residential development Yes 3,428 32 No 7,164 68 *--*


Santa Ana Measures *--*

*--* 50% precincts reporting Votes % *--*


D -- Amendments to charter sections 401 and 401.05 Yes 10,700 55 No 8,683 45 *--*


E -- Amendment to charter section 901 Yes 10,568 55 No 8,530 45 *--*

*--* Statewide 31% precincts reporting Votes % 91 -- Transportation funds Yes 1,261,139 43 No 1,665,326 57 92 -- Community college funding Yes 1,180,510 40 No 1,806,627 61 93 -- Term limits Yes 1,457,046 48 No 1,564,648 52 94 -- Indian gaming (Pechanga) Yes 1,717,899 56 No 1,342,477 44 95 -- Indian gaming (Morongo) Yes 1,717,117 56 No 1,340,065 44 96 -- Indian gaming (Sycuan) Yes 1,710,155 56 No 1,341,736 44 97 -- Indian gaming (Agua Caliente) Yes 1,711,020 56 No 1,339,538 44 *--*

*--* Los Angeles County 31% precincts reporting Votes % 91 -- Transportation funds Yes 245,946 44 No 317,771 56 92 -- Community college funding Yes 268,595 46 No 314,631 54 93 -- Term limits Yes 288,866 49 No 302,248 51 94 -- Indian gaming (Pechanga) Yes 363,738 60 No 242,292 40 95 -- Indian gaming (Morongo) Yes 364,128 60 No 241,556 40 96 -- Indian gaming (Sycuan) Yes 363,139 60 No 241,825 40 97 -- Indian gaming (Agua Caliente) Yes 362,472 60 No 242,946 40 *--*


*--* Orange County 11% precincts reporting Votes % 91 -- Transportation funds Yes 113,513 44 No 141,640 56 92 -- Community college funding Yes 86,741 33 No 173,918 67 93 -- Term limits Yes 116,219 44 No 147,221 56 94 -- Indian gaming (Pechanga) Yes 164,381 62 No 102,878 38 95 -- Indian gaming (Morongo) Yes 164,644 62 No 102,745 38 96 -- Indian gaming (Sycuan) Yes 164,255 62 No 103,068 39 97 -- Indian gaming (Agua Caliente) Yes 164,328 62 No 103,027 39 *--*

*--* Riverside County 39% precincts reporting Votes % 91 -- Transportation funds Yes 52,282 51 No 50,953 49 92 -- Community college funding Yes 42,170 40 No 62,230 60 93 -- Term limits Yes 53,142 50 No 52,740 50 94 -- Indian gaming (Pechanga) Yes 70,433 66 No 37,165 35 95 -- Indian gaming (Morongo) Yes 70,491 66 No 37,127 34 96 -- Indian gaming (Sycuan) Yes 70,012 65 No 37,095 35 97 -- Indian gaming (Agua Caliente) Yes 70,120 66 No 36,940 35 *--*

*--* San Bernardino County 0% precincts reporting Votes % 91 -- Transportation funds Yes 51,157 48 No 55,121 52 92 -- Community college funding Yes 43,584 40 No 64,382 60 93 -- Term limits Yes 50,832 46 No 58,529 54 94 -- Indian gaming (Pechanga) Yes 69,467 63 No 41,072 37 95 -- Indian gaming (Morongo) Yes 69,868 63 No 41,207 37 96 -- Indian gaming (Sycuan) Yes 69,730 63 No 41,346 37 97 -- Indian gaming (Agua Caliente) Yes 69,513 63 No 41,253 37 *--*


*--* Ventura County 44% precincts reporting Votes % 91 -- Transportation funds Yes 29,526 43 No 39,489 57 92 -- Community college funding Yes 25,885 37 No 44,348 63 93 -- Term limits Yes 32,952 46 No 38,196 54 94 -- Indian gaming (Pechanga) Yes 46,549 65 No 25,433 35 95 -- Indian gaming (Morongo) Yes 46,664 65 No 25,333 35 96 -- Indian gaming (Sycuan) Yes 46,255 65 No 25,063 35 97 -- Indian gaming (Agua Caliente) Yes 46,125 65 No 25,097 35 *--*

*--* DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton 925,253 54 Barack Obama 628,306 37 John Edwards 129,065 8 Dennis Kucinich 12,133 1 Bill Richardson 9,727 1 Joe Biden 8,419 0 Chris Dodd 3,182 0 Mike Gravel 3,139 0 REPUBLICAN John McCain 498,110 44 Mitt Romney 311,280 27 Mike Huckabee 132,539 12 Rudy Giuliani 97,790 9 Ron Paul 44,975 4 Fred Thompson 38,547 3 Duncan Hunter 8,879 1 Alan Keyes 4,879 0 Tom Tancredo 2,080 0 John H. Cox 1,341 0 Sam Brownback 1,003 0 AMERICAN INDEPENDENT Don J. Grundmann 5,676 36 Diane B. Templin 5,488 35 Mad Max Riekse 4,620 29 GREEN Ralph Nader 6,734 61 Cynthia McKinney 2,940 26 Elaine Brown 475 4 Kat Swift 361 3 Kent Mesplay 251 2 Jesse Johnson 219 2 Jared Ball 159 1 LIBERTARIAN Christine Smith 1,540 27 Steve Kubby 1,000 17 Wayne A. Root 870 15 Bob Jackson 449 8 Barry Hess 296 5 Michael P. Jingozian 278 5 George Phillies 278 5 Daniel Imperato 223 4 Robert Milnes 217 4 Dave Hollist 212 4 John Finan 207 4 Alden Link 183 3 PEACE & FREEDOM Ralph Nader 843 41 Cynthia McKinney 455 22 Gloria E. La Riva 414 20 John Crockford 121 6 Stewart A. Alexander 108 5 Brian P. Moore 103 5 Stanley Hetz 33 2 *--*

*--* DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton 235,833 59 Barack Obama 139,297 35 John Edwards 16,645 4 Joe Biden 2,059 1 Bill Richardson 1,795 1 Dennis Kucinich 1,780 0 Chris Dodd 1,128 0 Mike Gravel 621 0 REPUBLICAN John McCain 78,280 44 Mitt Romney 54,222 30 Mike Huckabee 20,133 11 Rudy Giuliani 13,703 8 Ron Paul 7,235 4 Fred Thompson 3,748 2 Alan Keyes 964 1 Duncan Hunter 734 0 Tom Tancredo 461 0 John H. Cox 351 0 Sam Brownback 322 0 AMERICAN INDEPENDENT Don J. Grundmann 1,252 38 Diane B. Templin 1,176 36 Mad Max Riekse 842 26 GREEN Ralph Nader 874 66 Cynthia McKinney 269 20 Elaine Brown 79 6 Kat Swift 38 3 Kent Mesplay 33 2 Jesse Johnson 23 2 Jared Ball 20 1 LIBERTARIAN Christine Smith 234 25 Steve Kubby 147 16 Wayne A. Root 130 14 Bob Jackson 87 9 Daniel Imperato 55 6 George Phillies 52 6 Barry Hess 46 5 Michael P. Jingozian 43 5 Dave Hollist 41 4 Robert Milnes 41 4 John Finan 30 3 Alden Link 29 3 PEACE & FREEDOM Ralph Nader 201 31 Gloria E. La Riva 192 29 Cynthia McKinney 145 22 Stewart A. Alexander 41 6 John Crockford 32 5 Brian P. Moore 28 4 Stanley Hetz 16 2 *--*

*--* DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton 58,822 59 Barack Obama 29,106 29 John Edwards 9,746 10 Dennis Kucinich 698 1 Bill Richardson 695 1 Joe Biden 580 1 Chris Dodd 215 0 Mike Gravel 198 0 REPUBLICAN John McCain 59,322 42 Mitt Romney 41,416 29 Mike Huckabee 14,803 11 Rudy Giuliani 13,874 10 Ron Paul 5,998 4 Fred Thompson 4,231 3 Alan Keyes 531 0 Duncan Hunter 528 0 Tom Tancredo 357 0 John H. Cox 168 0 Sam Brownback 85 0 AMERICAN INDEPENDENT Diane B. Templin 350 37 Don J. Grundmann 328 35 Mad Max Riekse 271 29 GREEN Ralph Nader 273 70 Cynthia McKinney 72 19 Elaine Brown 14 4 Jared Ball 10 3 Kent Mesplay 8 2 Kat Swift 7 2 Jesse Johnson 6 2 LIBERTARIAN Christine Smith 133 26 Steve Kubby 106 21 Wayne A. Root 91 18 Bob Jackson 34 7 Michael P. Jingozian 29 6 George Phillies 20 4 Robert Milnes 19 4 John Finan 18 4 Barry Hess 18 4 Daniel Imperato 17 3 Alden Link 16 3 Dave Hollist 10 2 PEACE & FREEDOM Ralph Nader 31 32 Cynthia McKinney 20 21 John Crockford 17 18 Brian P. Moore 12 12 Gloria E. La Riva 11 11 Stewart A. Alexander 6 6 Stanley Hetz 0 0 *--*

*--* DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton 26,964 62 Barack Obama 10,131 24 John Edwards 5,093 12 Bill Richardson 329 1 Joe Biden 293 1 Dennis Kucinich 279 1 Chris Dodd 94 0 Mike Gravel 82 0 REPUBLICAN John McCain 22,001 43 Mitt Romney 12,565 25 Mike Huckabee 6,870 13 Rudy Giuliani 5,254 10 Fred Thompson 2,317 5 Ron Paul 1,583 3 Duncan Hunter 344 1 Alan Keyes 259 1 Tom Tancredo 145 0 John H. Cox 46 0 Sam Brownback 34 0 AMERICAN INDEPENDENT Don J. Grundmann 219 41 Diane B. Templin 185 34 Mad Max Riekse 137 25 GREEN Ralph Nader 93 71 Cynthia McKinney 16 12 Elaine Brown 8 6 Kat Swift 7 5 Jesse Johnson 3 2 Kent Mesplay 3 2 Jared Ball 2 2 LIBERTARIAN Christine Smith 45 30 Wayne A. Root 30 20 Steve Kubby 24 16 Bob Jackson 16 11 George Phillies 9 6 Michael P. Jingozian 7 5 Daniel Imperato 6 4 Barry Hess 5 3 Dave Hollist 4 3 Alden Link 3 2 John Finan 2 1 Robert Milnes 2 1 PEACE & FREEDOM Ralph Nader 18 36 Cynthia McKinney 15 30 Gloria E. La Riva 8 16 Brian P. Moore 5 10 John Crockford 2 4 Stewart A. Alexander 0 0 Stanley Hetz 0 0 *--*

San Bernardino County

*--* DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton 27,785 60 Barack Obama 12,165 26 John Edwards 5,076 11 Bill Richardson 379 1 Joe Biden 311 1 Dennis Kucinich 269 1 Mike Gravel 113 0 Chris Dodd 101 0 REPUBLICAN John McCain 21,362 42 Mitt Romney 13,054 26 Mike Huckabee 7,767 15 Rudy Giuliani 4,027 8 Fred Thompson 2,367 5 Ron Paul 1,892 4 Duncan Hunter 241 0 Alan Keyes 234 0 Tom Tancredo 154 0 John H. Cox 63 0 Sam Brownback 53 0 AMERICAN INDEPENDENT Don J. Grundmann 264 38 Diane B. Templin 228 33 Mad Max Riekse 201 29 GREEN Ralph Nader 123 73 Cynthia McKinney 21 13 Elaine Brown 8 5 Kat Swift 6 4 Jared Ball 4 2 Kent Mesplay 4 2 Jesse Johnson 3 2 LIBERTARIAN Christine Smith 46 22 Wayne A. Root 32 15 Steve Kubby 30 14 Dave Hollist 24 12 Bob Jackson 19 9 Barry Hess 13 6 Michael P. Jingozian 12 6 John Finan 10 5 Daniel Imperato 7 3 Robert Milnes 6 3 George Phillies 6 3 Alden Link 5 2 PEACE & FREEDOM Ralph Nader 28 55 Gloria E. La Riva 9 18 John Crockford 4 8 Cynthia McKinney 4 8 Brian P. Moore 4 8 Stewart A. Alexander 0 0 Stanley Hetz 0 0 *--*


Ventura County

*--* DEMOCRAT Hillary Clinton 18,645 54 Barack Obama 11,851 35 John Edwards 3,131 9 Dennis Kucinich 259 1 Bill Richardson 200 1 Joe Biden 188 1 Chris Dodd 79 0 Mike Gravel 64 0 REPUBLICAN John McCain 13,606 44 Mitt Romney 8,605 28 Mike Huckabee 3,633 12 Rudy Giuliani 2,892 9 Ron Paul 1,110 4 Fred Thompson 918 3 Alan Keyes 129 0 Duncan Hunter 105 0 Tom Tancredo 76 0 Sam Brownback 25 0 John H. Cox 15 0 AMERICAN INDEPENDENT Diane B. Templin 123 35 Don J. Grundmann 122 35 Mad Max Riekse 107 30 GREEN Ralph Nader 149 74 Cynthia McKinney 31 16 Elaine Brown 8 4 Jared Ball 4 2 Jesse Johnson 4 2 Kent Mesplay 3 1 Kat Swift 2 1 LIBERTARIAN Christine Smith 38 23 Steve Kubby 33 20 Wayne A. Root 28 17 Bob Jackson 12 7 Barry Hess 9 6 Michael P. Jingozian 8 5 John Finan 7 4 George Phillies 7 4 Daniel Imperato 6 4 Alden Link 6 4 Dave Hollist 5 3 Robert Milnes 5 3 PEACE & FREEDOM Ralph Nader 19 58 Gloria E. La Riva 7 21 Stanley Hetz 2 6 Cynthia McKinney 2 6 Stewart A. Alexander 0 0 John Crockford 0 0 Brian P. Moore 0 0 *--*
