
Woman found dead in O.C. is still unidentified

Times Staff Writer

A woman found dead Saturday near Aliso Creek remains unidentified and an autopsy failed to pinpoint the cause of death, an Orange County sheriff’s spokesman said Monday.

The body was discovered at 11:30 a.m. by a man walking along the creek collecting wood, Jim Amormino said. The fully clothed body was found about five feet from the water and 75 yards from a jogging trail near Portola Parkway and El Toro Road in Lake Forest.

Amormino said the woman, who weighed 96 pounds and was 5 foot 2, was 35 to 50 years old and probably Latina, Native American or Asian.


She was wearing designer bluejeans, a red jacket, a blue crochet top and boots. There were no obvious signs of trauma.

Authorities are awaiting the results of toxicology and other tests to see if a cause of death can be determined. The tests will also reveal if she was sexually assaulted.

“It’s hard to say how long she had been dead, maybe 36 or 48 hours,” Amormino said. “She definitely wasn’t dressed to take a walk alongside Aliso Creek.”


The woman was not carrying identification, and an attempt to identify her through fingerprints filed in California data banks was unsuccessful. Amormino said her prints were sent to the FBI and Department of Homeland Security for possible identification.


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