
Ledger’s legacy

THANK YOU for the article on the passing of Heath Ledger “The Ambiguous Hero,” by Reed Johnson, Jan. 24]. It was the only one I’ve seen that speaks to not only Ennis Del Mar’s journey to find out what it means to be a man, but Heath’s as well.

Heath’s life was filled with deep, soul-searching moments where he was looking for deeper answers. Maybe in the end it cost him his life -- we’ll never know. But for those of us whose lives were repaired by getting to know Ennis Del Mar, we will be eternally grateful for Heath Ledger sharing part of his soul with us, giving Ennis life.

To me, Ennis and Heath were the same person -- so, in a strange way, I feel like Jack and Ennis are finally able to live the life they couldn’t live down here.


Joseph Hunter

Beverly Hills
