
Versions of rural

Re “An urban presidency invites rural voices,” Dec. 18

Breezing over concerns of more than 50 scientists and conservation groups that Interior Secretary nominee Ken Salazar will pander to industry, The Times reported that Salazar will speak for rural America. The Times ignores that the Bush administration gave plenty of voice to one version of rural America by allowing ranching, logging and energy companies to run roughshod. We were counting on real change to give endangered species -- another part of rural America -- the reprieve they need.

But Salazar’s record shows he will not give them voice. He threatened to sue the feds if they protected prairie dogs. His pandering to ranchers spells trouble for the wolf and a long list of species harmed by agribusiness.

Salazar’s cowboy hat is more than just a symbol. That’s why industry groups are quickly lining up to applaud his nomination.


Nicole Rosmarino


The writer is wildlife program director of WildEarth Guardians.
