
Class Formed to Help Parents of Troubled Teens

The Thousand Oaks sheriff’s station will offer a 10-week course for parents of adolescents starting Jan. 13.

Known as the Parent Project, the intensive course focuses on preventing and intervening in destructive or delinquent adolescent behaviors.

The course is taught by specially trained deputies from both the department’s gang unit and the community policing program. The class was first offered last spring and was so successful that the department followed up with courses in Spanish and English.


Recently a Parent Project class for Spanish-speaking parents was held at St. Paschal’s auditorium--28 parents completed the course and earned certificates.

The next English language Parent Project class will be held on Wednesdays from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Conejo Community Park at 1300 Hendrix Ave. in Thousand Oaks.

Another Spanish language class will be held starting in late January or early February.

For more information about the Parent Project class in Spanish, call 494-8297. For information about the class in English, call 371-8362.
