
Jeff Brain

NAME: Jeff Brain

AGE: 39

HOME: Sherman Oaks

PROFESSION: Real estate consultant, president of Valley VOTE


LATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Valley Voters Organized Toward Empowerment has completed a petition drive to request a study on breaking away from Los Angeles. With help from paid petitioners and an extended deadline granted by the Legislature, the group gathered roughly 200,000 signatures--more than the 132,000 it needs to kick off the study. If the study finds Valley secession economically feasible, the issue could be on the ballot as early as 2000.

GOALS FOR 1999: Brain hopes to push forward with the secession study as smoothly as possible, working with officials from Los Angeles and the Local Agency Formation Commission, the panel that will oversee the process. He said he expects to encounter obstacles from Los Angeles leaders. but vows to overcome any resistance to examining the pros and cons of secession.
