

The city is accepting applications from residents interested in serving on a committee to oversee the transition of services when Laguna Beach becomes responsible for water and sewer service in South Laguna in July.

The resident who serves on the advisory committee will be responsible for monitoring water and sewer service rates. Under an agreement the City Council adopted last week with the South Coast Water District, the resident will ensure other residents are treated fairly by the district and will act as a liaison between the city and the district.

The citizen representative will be appointed to a four-year term, scheduled to begin in July. Applicants will be interviewed by council members at the Jan. 19 City Council meeting, which begins at 6 p.m. Applications may be picked up at City Hall, 505 Forest Ave., and must be returned to the city clerk’s office by 5 p.m. Jan. 13. Information: (949) 497-3311.
