
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

“Classic dinner parties. Discerning guests. No regrets.”

That’s the promise of a new so-L.A. enterprise called Just Eight Inc. Billed by founders Samantha Martin and Nancy Jordan as a combination social club, networking system and dining circuit, Just Eight is designed to help rich but needy Angelenos find that perfect golfing partner, shopping companion or soul mate.

Just Eight members gather in groups of eight (of course)--four men, four women, all strangers--at such trendy restaurants as Il Fornaio, the Ivy and Cafe La Boheme. Martin and Jordan host the dinners and handle the introductions.

The only thing left for Eightsters to handle is the bill. Which is not small. On the premise that the company is at least as valuable as the food, Just Eight charges $2,500 for a one-year membership worth 12 dinners. Six-month, six-dinner memberships are available at $1,500 a head.


Well, it’s not McDonald’s.

For information, call (213) 251-9468 or e-mail just8[email protected].
