
Hazards, Benefits of Gun Ownership

* John R. Lott Jr. admits that “obviously, bad things happen with guns” (Column Right, Dec. 1). Yet Lott fails to notice the obvious distinction between pools (used for swimming), bicycles (used for riding) and guns (used for killing). He claims state and city governments don’t recoup medical costs for pool and bicycle accidents, so they shouldn’t recoup medical costs from gun deaths. Lott states, “Most gun owners must be very responsible, or such gun accidents would be much more frequent.”

Why are American youngsters 12 times more likely to die by gunfire than their counterparts in the rest of the industrialized world? Why does simply owning a gun make you or someone you know six times more likely to die by gunfire than if you don’t own a gun? Just an idea: Have Lott explain to 7-year-old Dylon Brown his theory about responsible gun owners. And why Dylon’s LAPD father was killed by an assault rifle (Dec. 1).


Los Angeles


Every once in a while, a little piece of the other side of the story regarding the private ownership of firearms sneaks into The Times. Lott’s article gives statistics seldom seen in the mass media, including the fact that guns, usually handguns, are used well over 2 million times a year by would-be victims to ward off criminal attack, almost always without having to be fired. Of course, even the tiny percentage of cases where the victim does have to shoot are almost never reported.


The benefits of firearms to the ordinary person are never shown. Why can’t we see a really honest discussion of both sides of the firearms ownership issue, with the NRA being given the opportunity to fully present information like this.


Los Angeles
