
Gingrich Names 5 to Commerce Panel

Outgoing House Speaker Newt Gingrich appointed a Californian and four others last week to the Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce, a new board established by the Internet Tax Freedom Act.

Dean Andal, chairman of the California State Board of Equalization, joined the 19-member advisory board, which will study issues related to taxes and tariffs on Internet access and online transactions. Joining him are David Pottruck, president and co-chief executive of discount broker Charles Schwab, an early proponent of online stock trading; James Gilmore, governor of Virginia; Grover Norquist, president of the Gingrich-aligned Americans for Tax Reform; and Richard Parsons, president of Time Warner.

“Their ideas and expertise will help guide us in making the best policies we can to allow continued growth of the Internet and electronic commerce,” Gingrich said.
