
Where Were Tank Inspectors?

* Re “Lessons From Tank’s Failure,” Nov. 23 editorial:

Thank you for your investigation into the Westminster water tank failure. One small correction might be in order.

The proper nomenclature for the missing reinforcement bars would be “hairpins.” These bars are so named for their U shape and resemblance to ladies’ hairpins.

It is really a shame that so many cities and property owners will waive the proper inspection of reinforcement installation and concrete placement installation at precast manufacturing plants and on site in order to save a few thousand dollars.


A loss of $30 million might have been avoided with the sufficient inspection to ensure the installation of the hairpins and the proper installation of the steel tendon.

As an inspector, I not only have seen the contractors try to save money by cheating but also have caught many innocent mistakes and omissions.

By far, most omissions are honest mistakes, but without an inspector hired and on duty, omissions can result and can often turn into structural failures, as evidenced here and in many of the failures resulting from the Northridge earthquake.


So where were the inspectors when this tank was built?


