
Restored Mantels Sparking Attention


Period mantels are among the pieces in highest demand in architectural salvage shops across the country.

A few decades ago, many old houses were simply reduced to ashes and bulldozed underground--period mantels and all--clearing the way for housing developments, wider roads, shopping centers or tillable farmland.

However, Bruce E. Johnson writes in the December issue of Country Living, renewed interest in the restoration of historic homes has spawned a new industry dedicated to saving such original treasures for use in restoration projects and new construction.


Mantels have stood at the heart of the American home for centuries. Before the days of central heating, each major room in a house depended on its own fireplace for heat. Fireboxes were commonly dressed with stone, brick or tile. The addition of wooden frames, or mantels, not only added a decorative element to a room but also provided a place on which to display household objects.

Mantels came to mirror the architectural styles prevalent in the United States, beginning in early American times, when they often mimicked the gentle curves of interior molding and chair rails. This tendency was most clearly seen during the Victorian era, with a steady succession of style revivals--Gothic, Rococo and Renaissance, to name a few.

The early decades of the 20th century witnessed a backlash against the excesses of Victorian design. Manufacturers responded by producing fireplace mantels appropriate for Arts and Crafts homes. Primarily made of oak, these early 20th century models resembled Mission Oak furniture in their simple, practical and straightforward designs.


As the 20th century progressed, mantel production decreased as builders and homeowners viewed the fireplace as an option rather than a necessity in the home. In many instances, original mantels were torn out of old homes and discarded during remodelings, especially in homes that were being converted to apartments. In recent years, however, the demand for period details has revived interest in antique mantels, which are turning up in architectural salvage shops with greater frequency.

If you are searching for an antique mantel, you can expect to find them in a wide range of styles and conditions. Arm yourself with a tape measure, a flashlight, a notebook that includes room dimensions and some old clothes before venturing forth.

Prices range from about $50 to $1,500, depending on age, size, degree of details and condition. Plain, painted mantels are often the least expensive to acquire today. If you want the look of natural wood, however, stripping a painted mantel may prove more costly than paying a little more for one that has already been stripped or was never painted.
