
Street Preacher Says Charge Violates Free-Speech Rights

A sidewalk preacher from a religious group with an anti-white Gospel message said Wednesday that a charge against him for disturbing the peace in Pasadena violates his 1st Amendment rights.

“It may be not what traditional churches are teaching, but that is not our problem . . . many people get offended,” said Gregory Hamilton, a member of the Israeli Church of Universal Practical Knowledge.

He is being arraigned today on a misdemeanor count of disturbing the peace in an Oct. 18 shouting match with a shop employee.


Flanked by supporters, including Congress on Racial Equality president Celes King III, Hamilton said he is being targeted for preaching his interpretation of the Bible. Bystanders have verbally clashed for months with the church’s preachers on Sundays in Old Town. They proclaim that blacks are the true descendants of ancient Hebrews and that the modern image of Jesus is the devil.

Authorities allege that Hamilton threatened violence in the name of Jesus against a shop employee. Hamilton and his attorney deny the charge. They said Pasadena police never interviewed him about the allegation or asked to see a videotape made by the group that day.
