
Compton Money Woes

Regarding The Times’ editorial of Jan. 18, “This Isn’t Just Orange County’s Problem”: The Times suggests that the state should bail Orange County out of its $2 billion financial mess. To be consistent, The Times should also urge a similar bailout for the financially troubled Compton Unified School District.

The impact of that school district’s near-bankruptcy has been devastating to the Compton community. Over 100 employees have been laid off, salaries have been cut 3% across the board, and the proposed financial recovery plan proposes a further cut in employees’ jobs, salaries and benefits of 25% over a five-year period.

Gov. Pete Wilson does need to act--but with fairness, consistency and compassion. Poor, inner-city, minority-populated Compton should receive every bit as much consideration as rich, predominantly white, middle-class Orange County. Besides, Compton’s deficit is only $20 million--a mere drop in the bucket compared to the $2 billion Orange County behemoth.



California School Employees Assn.

Monterey Park
