
Anti-War Criticism

As a retired Marine officer and Vietnam veteran, I want to make sure that the public realizes that all of us aren’t extremist nuts like Rep. Bob Dornan. Don’t the majority of Americans now feel that our involvement was a mistake? If Bill Clinton and others who opposed the war had been listened to, it would have saved me a lot of unpleasantness and dead friends.

Perhaps people like Dornan confuse opposition to the war with condemnation of those who had to fight in it. Everyone who had a principled objection to the war wasn’t anti-American. Most college graduates tried to avoid service.

And by the way, Newt Gingrich sure as hell didn’t serve, and I haven’t heard “B-1 Bob” condemn him. On the other hand, Sen. Bob Dole served in World War II and was seriously wounded, but I haven’t heard him taking these cheap shots at Clinton. Of course, he’s a man, not a salamander.



San Clemente
