
Federal Clean-Air Rules Postponed

How come when the Environmental Protection Agency postpones federal clean-air measures, your headline is “EPA Gives State 2-Year Reprieve on Smog Rules” (Jan. 13), instead of “EPA Sentences Citizenry to 2 More Years of Foul Air”?

On Jan. 14 you report that two years is not enough for the anti-environment governor (supported by our mayor). These pseudo-free-market economists totally ignore that business has been able to avoid the environmental and health costs of their practices from the beginning.

All free-market environmentalists want is to make these businesses pay for the total cost of their enterprises, and not subsidize them with our health and environment. If that drives businesses to states which will allow them a free ride on the backs of their citizens and environment, then good riddance. Their new hosts will benefit financially in the short run, but eventually suffer the consequences of increased ill health, environmental cleanup, etc. At that point, the playing field will be equal, and businesses will settle in locations best for the business and not in those willing to subsidize their costs.



Sherman Oaks

* Stop the FIP Coalition--composed of more than 200 organizations, businesses, local governments and community leaders throughout the state--is opposed to the federal government’s $50 billion federal implementation plan for air quality.

Your article stated that the supposed agreement between the EPA and California environmental groups was a “major relief” to hundreds of business groups. Yet you do not quote one business representative.

Contrary to the tenor of the article, we would be surprised if any California business or member of our coalition would support this proposed two-year delay. We share Gov. Pete Wilson’s concern that the agreement merely means two more years of uncertainty for business investors. The FIP will still be a major impediment to businesses moving into California. Countless taxpayer dollars will be wasted to pay for two more years of government bureaucrat FIP busywork. Is it lost on anyone that the FIP implementation date won’t occur until after the 1996 presidential elections?


California is the only state in the nation subject to this FIP. We support congressional action to remove this discriminatory burden.


Senior Vice President

California Chamber of Commerce


California Trucking Assn.

Los Angeles
