
Having the Vest of Both Worlds


It’s hanging there, almost calling out to you each time you open the closet door to look for something to wear. But there’s just something disconcerting about a vest. You try it on with various shirts; you wonder how it would look under a jacket. Is it too dressy? Too individualistic? You stick it back on a hanger till next time.

Why do so many men’s vests go unworn? For one thing, they’re part of the “three-piece suit,” that classic ‘70s ensemble that’s as popular now as a pet rock. For another, wearing a vest without a jacket seems “incomplete” to many guys, as if they’ve rushed out of the house without drying their hair.

But the vest is one of those pieces of clothing that acts more like an accessory. It gives an old outfit a new statement, and it can dress up or dress down accordingly.


“A great-looking vest can help change the look of your wardrobe,” says Mark Schell of Mark Schell Designs for Men in Corona del Mar. “They can work by themselves or under a jacket.”

Says clothing buyer Bill Rigioni of Huntington Beach, “Bright, wild patterns are coming. Using the vests Nicole Miller makes for women as a model, we’re seeing these great vests that are supposed to be worn without a jacket so they can be seen.”

Vests of a single color or a simple design are also popular. “A basic black vest can work with a variety of outfits,” Schell says. “A black leather vest, however, is a little sportier.”


In recent years, you’ve probably seen vests worn a little differently than in the past. They’ve become a way to give a T-shirt some class and have become the focus of some outfits.

“Wearing a hot vest with a T-shirt and jeans is a popular young look,” Rigioni says. “You’ll want something with a wild pattern or a retro vest, one that looks like it was last worn on a golf course in the ‘50s.”

For guys who are uncomfortable wearing a vest under a jacket lest others think they’re headed for a disco party, rest assured that you won’t be considered a three-piece nerd. “When you wear a nice vest under a sport coat, it gives what you’re wearing a unique twist. Remember that the knock on three-piece suits is that slacks, jacket and vest are identical,” Schell says.


Those a little less experimental probably have a sweater vest tucked into a drawer somewhere. Although you may associate them with your grandfather, the sweater vest serves a utilitarian purpose that cuts across all age groups.

“It’s really a great way to stay warm,” says Brenda Davidson of Pendleton Sport Shop in Laguna Hills. “You can wear one to work under a blazer, and it makes a difference in winter weather.”
