
The Super Bowl Junk Food Challenge : Velveeta Cubed

Is it the onion soup dip of the ‘90s? Marketers at Velveeta certainly hope so. You’ve already seen it in heavy commercial rotation during TV sports weekends: Just cut your block of Velveeta in cubes, pour a jar of salsa on top and zap the thing in the microwave.

Possibly based on the age-old Texas custom of melting cheese with a can of spicy Rotel chopped tomatoes with green chiles (we also have Texas to blame for stadium nacho cheese) and by the traditional chorizo-topped queso fundido before that, it may not be the most appetizing idea. But we have to admit that it is compelling--once you start, it won’t be long before you see the bottom of the bowl.

At least it better not be: We came across one disconcerting flaw in the dip. Let the stuff sit out for an hour or so and it starts to resume its former identity as a shiny orange blob. We broke a Dorito trying to get one last bite.
