
FOUNTAIN VALLEY : Council Plans to Ban Street Solicitation

People who sell flowers or newspapers or ask for money will soon be banned from soliciting on city streets.

The City Council last week introduced an ordinance that bars solicitation directed at motorists.

“It’s a public safety issue,” said Don Heinbuch, administrative services manager.

Heinbuch added that solicitation on streets is dangerous to motorists as well as to those soliciting.


The ordinance makes it unlawful for individuals to stand on public rights of way, including streets, highways, sidewalks and driveways, to solicit employment, business, contributions or money.

Heinbuch said the ordinance would prohibit all solicitors, and would also include day worker solicitations and any religious or charitable solicitors.

Violation of the ordinance is a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of up to $500 or jail term of not more than six months, or both.


Last year, Heinbuch said the city monitored solicitation activities and had a number of instances where people were selling newspapers on the city’s major streets.

He said that when people solicit in the public right of way, confusion is created on the streets, motorists are distracted, traffic is impeded and congestion and blockage of streets and driveways results.

“It was a potential to cause accidents,” he said.

Heinbuch also said the city received complaints from the public.

The council is expected to give final approval of the ordinance Feb. 7.
