
Theater Bandit Strikes Again

Call him the Box Office Bandit.

For the second Sunday in a row, police said, a robber held up the same Fountain Valley movie house--the Edwards Fountain Valley Twin, making off this time with $400 stuffed in a paper bag.

Both times the suspect dashed into an unlocked cashier’s booth inside the doors and then flashed a gun that was tucked into his waistband. Cash in hand, the bandit fled around the back of the theater in the 16100 block of Brookhurst Street. On Jan. 8, he got away with $800, police said.

“It’s the same MO,” said Sgt. Dann Bean. “We think it’s the same suspect.”

The suspect, described as Latino, about 20 years old, 5-foot-8, 160 pounds with brown hair and a goatee and mustache. In Sunday’s robbery, the suspect wore a hooded Raiders jacket and gray sweat pants, Bean said.


Bean said the theater could do more to protect itself against such incidents, such as locking the door to the cashier’s booth.

Police said they do not plan to stake out the place next Sunday in case the robber returns yet again.

“We’d probably never be that lucky,” Bean said.
