
MISSION VIEJO : City’s Cable Programs Will Change Channels

Residents who watch City Council meetings on television will be surfing to a new cable channel beginning Monday.

Council meetings will be switched from Channel 30 to Channel 31, where all the city’s community cable programming will be televised. Council sessions are broadcast live at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of the month and are repeated on cable during the week.

“Our concept for Mission Viejo television is for all programming to be related to the community on one channel,” Danian Hopp said. “When residents come home and switch on their TV, they’ll know to switch to Channel 31 for news about Mission Viejo.”


The city has formed a partnership with Mission Viejo High School to produce community programming for the channel, known as Mission Viejo Television, or MVTV.

The city helped finance a television studio at the school where students are producing the community channel’s first on-air show, a television magazine based on Mission Viejo events.

“Students will produce television (programs) and learn from doing,” Hopp said. “The community will benefit from the programming that’s put on the air.”
