
Information Unavailable on Gap Warehouse

There appears to be an information gap regarding a large Ventura warehouse operated by Gap Inc.

The plant on Colt Street is the clothing retailer’s Western distribution center and reportedly employs hundreds, but officials at the plant and at Gap’s San Francisco headquarters are closemouthed about its operation.

Bill Yeager, the plant’s manager, didn’t return calls inquiring about the facility. At the firm’s headquarters, company spokesmen said that only Warren Hashagen, Gap’s vice president for finance, could discuss the center--and he wasn’t available.


Ventura City Council member Gary Tuttle, who watches the city’s business community closely, said he visited the plant a couple of years ago and recalls it as “a busy, well-run place.”

“They’ve been good about saving water and recycling their waste, but other than that I’m not sure what they do,” Tuttle said.

Gap Inc. is licensed by the city of Ventura to operate a 215,000-square-foot warehouse at the Colt Street address.
