
FILLMORE : Aid Sought to Replace Volunteers’ Trailer

One day after fire swept through a trailer used to house earthquake and flood volunteers in Fillmore, members of the St. Francis of Assisi Church said they are asking the public’s help to replace the housing unit.

Father Norm Supancheck said the quick-moving blaze destroyed the 70-foot trailer that was owned by Habitat for Humanity and was being used to house volunteers whose mission was to help the community’s earthquake and flood victims. The group, whose most famous member is former President Jimmy Carter, builds affordable housing for the poor.

At the time of the fire, the volunteer group Mano-a-Mano was using the trailer to house volunteers and coordinate earthquake and flood relief operations.


“There wasn’t anyone living there at the time of the fire, but we are going to need a place to be able to house people who want to help our community,” Supancheck said Sunday. “We expect to get some new volunteers soon, so we are appealing directly to the public for help.”

Supancheck said authorities speculate that faulty wiring may have touched off the fire inside the trailer, stored on the church grounds in the 1000 block of Ventura Street.

Fillmore firefighters were able to prevent the blaze from spreading to other buildings on church grounds. No injuries were reported.


Supancheck said those offering help can call 524-4956 or 524-1306 for further information.
