
Tax Cut Proposal Can’t Be Justified

How in the world can Gov. Wilson or the George Shultz commission or any other group justify a $9.1-billion tax cut or any other reduction in state revenues at a time when the state is literally stealing local property tax funds, vector control money and any other source of revenues it can find from the counties, cities and special districts, including welfare and health services for the poor and homeless, just to balance its budgets?

What concerns me almost as much, however, is the fact that I have yet to hear any editorial or local government voices raised in protest, even in Orange County, where Lord knows we now need every source of income we can find in an effort to balance our own governmental accounts.

Maybe the recession really is over in California--although I think those being laid off at Hughes, Kerr Glass and several other companies might argue that--but wouldn’t it be wiser to wait and see first?


I wish our governmental leaders were as concerned about the people who truly need governmental services as they are about their rich and powerful friends.

They don’t need a tax cut, but those who must struggle just to survive a day, much less a month, could certainly use some long-neglected help.

And I haven’t even addressed the problems of our rapidly crumbling infrastructure such as roads, sewers, water lines, ad nauseam.


Santa Ana
