
El Toro Airport Illogical, Unfair

Regarding George Argyros’ letter to The Times (“Voters Decided Means to Plan El Toro,” Jan. 8): It is understandable that he now wants to put his mouth where his money is. Given the current economic situation in Orange County, Measure A implementation is not what I would consider a high-priority project. One has to question the appropriateness of his sense of urgency. Chalk it up as another untimely investment.


Lake Forest

* George Argyros has nerve using the phrase “fair and logical” in describing anything connected with Measure A, the ballot initiative for an airport in El Toro.

This measure, funded by greedy business interests, was imposed on south Orange County residents by north Orange County voters, who will not be subjected to the noise and pollution, have their homes devalued or their quality of life disrupted.


And one is tempted to ask Mr. Major Proponent about his particular interest in the airport. No personal gain from it, Mr. Argyros? And do you plan to relocate near this “opportunity for a healthy economy”? If so, I have a lovely home that will no doubt be under a flight pattern that I’d be willing to sell to you so that you can truly experience what you are hoping to create.


Mission Viejo
