
NORTHRIDGE : Volunteers Sought to Rebuild Home

Habitat for Humanity, the volunteer group that builds housing with donated materials and the labor of those who benefit from it, is sponsoring a day of rebuilding at the quake-devastated home of a 57-year-old Northridge widow.

The event starts at 9 a.m. Tuesday at 17660 Raymer St. The date was chosen to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the 6.7-magnitude Northridge earthquake. The earthquake recovery assistance branch of Habitat’s San Fernando/Santa Clarita division is organizing the event at the 1,800-square-foot house, which was severely damaged in the earthquake. The owner did not collect enough insurance to begin repairs, Habitat officials said.

“We’re seeking volunteers for everything,” said Nanci Mavar, recovery program manager for Habitat. “Exterior walls need restructuring, new insulation, painting and carpeting will be put in. We’ll be doing landscaping, flowers, putting up a fence. Anybody who can help with anything would be welcome.”


Mavar is hoping that teams of volunteers will sign up for two- to three-hour shifts throughout the day. “We already have 60 volunteers from Universal Studios alone,” Mavar said. “We’re hoping for between 150 and 200 volunteers. Our goal is to complete 90% of the work that needs to be done in one day.” Food, live music and T-shirts for participants will be available.

To volunteer or for information about Habitat’s earthquake recovery branch, call (818) 765-2073.
