
A summary of selected Los Angeles City...

A summary of selected Los Angeles City Hall actions last week that affect the Westside.


* FIGHTING CRIME--Approved a Public Works Committee report that establishes guidelines for temporarily closing streets, alleys or walkways because of criminal activity. The following conditions must be met before the closure, which would be for 18 months, can be imposed:

* The existence of serious and continual criminal activity at the site.

* Vehicular or pedestrian traffic contributes to the criminal activity.

* Surrounding property owners have agreed to the closure.

* The closure would not adversely affect the operation of public utility services or emergency vehicles.

A review would be conducted every six months to evaluate the effectiveness of the closure, and the site could be reopened before the expiration of the 18-month period. Officials say that currently, no street, alley or walkway in the city is under consideration for closure.


* WESTWOOD IMPROVEMENT--At the request of Councilman Marvin Braude, delayed until Jan. 18 a vote to establish the Westwood Business Improvement District. Braude said that the two major groups within the proposed district--business people in Westwood Village, who generally support the plan, and business people in high-rise office buildings along Wilshire Boulevard, many of whom say they would be taxed too much under the plan--were trying to reach a compromise on the taxation issue.
