
ENVIRONMENT : Ways to Greener, Resourceful ’95

From Associated Press

Environmental stewardship begins at home.

It depends to a great extent on everyday actions by individuals. You can get off to a green start in the new year by doing some of the following:

* At home, switch off lights whenever you leave a vacant room. Dry your laundry on a clothesline or rack when possible.

* Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth, saving about two gallons of water each time.


* Other simple ways to conserve water include installing low-flow shower heads and small screw-on aerators that add air to your tap water. Volume will be halved but pressure will not suffer. Your bonus: This will reduce your water bill.

* See to it that your home is as energy efficient as possible. If you have questions on how to become an energy saver, call the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse at (800) 523-2929 for brochures, fact sheets and conservation tips. Request an energy audit from your local utility company.

* Switch to cotton or linen napkins instead of single-use paper. Use cotton dish towels to clean up kitchen spills and for drying dishes.


* Find alternatives to wrapping paper and tape. Substitute the Sunday comics, scraps of fabric or a reusable receptacle such as a clay pot or basket. Use raffia, string or colorful ribbon to secure packages.

* Return wire hangers to the dry cleaner.

* Use phosphate-free laundry detergent and dish soap, compact fluorescent light bulbs and rechargeable batteries.

* When shopping, help create a market for recycled paper products by buying them.

* Pre-cycle. Instead of throwing out excess product packaging, buy goods you know can be recycled or that feature less packaging in the first place.


* When doing light shopping, carry an expandable cotton-mesh bag or canvas tote.

* Show your support for farmers who forgo the use of toxic pesticides and herbicides by buying organic produce and foodstuffs when available.

* When buying major appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines, search for models that possess the highest energy efficiency ratings.

* At work, instead of throwing out old reading materials, start a lending library of magazines, newspapers and paperbacks. When possible, reuse interoffice mail envelopes and manila mailers. Encourage your employer to buy recycled computer paper. Use a ceramic mug for your coffee or tea instead of disposable cups.

* Other things you can do include walking, biking, car-pooling or using mass transit when possible.

* Consider the needs of wildlife when you cultivate your land. Choose native shrubs, trees and other plants that produce berries, nuts or seeds and that provide protective cover and nesting spots for birds, insects and small mammals.

* Send a letter, fax or e-mail note to your elected officials and let them know you support environmental initiatives.


* Set a good example for your children, because the next generation is the strongest tool--and best motivation--environmentalists have in the fight to conserve the world’s dwindling resources.
