
Orange County Almanac

Decades after shedding it’s agrarian image, Orange County still has a hand in livestock.

In 1993, beef cattle was a million-dollar enterprise, according to county records.

Livestock Production Values Beef cattle 3,022 head $1,562,000 Eggs 150,939 dozen 120,700 Chickens 5,370 sold 12,500


John M.W. Moorlach, the Costa Mesa accountant who claimed last May that Orange County’s investment pool was headed for a fall, will be the guest speaker at a meeting of United We Stand.

Moorlach challenged former County Treasurer-Tax Collector Robert L. Citron’s investments in derivatives but failed to unseat the incumbent in the June primary election.


The 7 p.m. meeting will be at the Irvine Marketplace in the conference room above the Improv, 4255 Campus Drive.

Information: (714) 859-2208 or (714) 372-5303.
