
FULLERTON : Tree Maintenance Ordinance Approved

The city has a new law outlining how all public trees are to be planted, maintained, removed or otherwise managed.

Approved by the City Council last week, it holds property owners responsible for watering trees abutting their property in the public right of way.

Also, owners of trees on private property that cause damage to public property such as sidewalks will be responsible for rectifying the damage. It could include replacing a tree or paying for damages. The city will take corrective measures as well if a public tree damages private property.


The ordinance also prohibits people from “disfiguring” trees on public property by severely cutting the top. However, such a cut may be allowed if the tree is under utility wires.

Violators could be cited and fined, officials said.

Under the ordinance, historically or culturally significant trees will be designated “landmark” trees.

In addition, the law shifts responsibility for planting, removing and caring for city trees from the public works director to the director of maintenance services. That director will be in charge of designing “community forestry themes” involving the use of trees for major traffic routes and districts.
