
Water Rate Change Is Topic of Hearing

A proposal to revise water rates in the San Fernando Valley will be the subject of a special public hearing tonight in Woodland Hills.

Organized by Los Angeles City Council member Laura Chick, the hearing will be held at 7 p.m. at Parkman Middle School, 20800 Burbank Blvd.

The event will allow Valley residents to quiz the city’s Board of Water and Power Commissioners about the proposed rate change, as well as give their opinions on the proposal.


Los Angeles water rates were restructured in 1993 to encourage water conservation among the Department of Water and Power’s residential customers.

Now, Mayor Richard Riordan’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Water Rates is recommending that the rate structure be revised to take into account lot size, temperatures and household size for single-family dwellings.

Under the new proposal, nearly 63% of DWP customers would have lower bills and about 32% would see their bills increase.


Both the water commissioners and City Council members must approve the proposal, which could go into effect as early as next summer.
