
Malathion Spraying

As a survivor of continual and indiscriminate DDT spraying of the Central Valley in the ‘40s and ‘50s, I am aghast that our local politicians lead us like sheep to the long incremental slaughter by degrees.

DDT has now been linked to increased estrogen production in humans, inducing a cancer-promoting environment and male infertility. Increases in breast and prostate cancer are possibly linked to the coast-to-coast spraying of cities and farms to eradicate mosquitoes. At that time the experts said, “It is safe.”

Experts are still saying poisons are safe. Do we continue to be led into benign suicide? As a taxpayer do I become a participant in the poisoning of my fellow citizens?


Wake up, citizens of Ventura County. The clock is ticking.




I wonder if public officials realize the feelings of powerlessness and frustrations that they are causing in citizens they are supposed to serve.

In its own “Health Risk Assessment of Aerial Application of Malathion Bait” by the California state Department of Health Services, Ken Kizer, director, stated in February, 1991: “CDHS recommends that aerial application in urban areas be reconsidered and that (the state Department of Food and Agriculture) develop, and when possible, utilize non-pesticide or select pesticide alternatives to aerial application of malathion.”

Farmers have their own organizations and they are evident in the Medfly and malathion issue. The average citizens, who are being aerial-sprayed for six months, have no representation in this matter so crucial to them.





I own a lemon orchard near the epicenter of the recent Medfly eruption in Ventura County. My only hope is that some environmentalist does not identify this pest as an endangered species.


