
Youth Opinion : ‘What Politicians Do Will Affect My Life’

On Nov. 8, voters will choose a governor and decide the fate of such emotion-charged issues as immigration, crime and health care. ERIK HAMILTON asked Southern California teen-agers what effect the election is having on them.


17, senior, Bell Gardens High School

For me, this whole election centers on Proposition 187. This proposition is pointed right at me because I’m a Latina. It’s driven by racism and that must be stopped. I know there are a lot of people running for various offices, but if this law passes, it wouldn’t matter who is governor, senator or congressman. What the candidates do or say isn’t really that important, even though I think Kathleen Brown is by far the lesser of two evils.


16, senior, Century High School, Santa Ana

I have a lot of Latino friends at this school and Proposition 187 would have a direct effect on them. It’s not right to punish these people. They are hard working and want an education. I think Wilson is using illegal immigration as a scapegoat. Other issues are important and other races are too, but who is elected to be our governor is the most important. I don’t want to be led by a racist governor. And he is because he supports a racist proposition. While I would much rather see someone like Tom Hayden as governor, my support is with Brown. Besides being a woman, she is pro-choice, but most importantly, she is against Proposition 187.



17, senior, Bell Gardens High School

This election is more about issues than who is running for governor or other offices. Proposition 187 will draw a lot of people to the voting booth. It just so happens that Gov. Pete Wilson supports this issue. Something has to be done about the immigration problem. People just can’t come up here and take advantage of our government. We have to set some type of standards and I think Proposition 187 is it. And even though Proposition 187 might have a negative impact on me, I think the situation with immigration is so bad that I’m willing to make a sacrifice.


17, senior, Beverly Hills High School

Though the other races in this state are important, I think the governor’s race will have more of an impact on me than the others. Crime and immigration problems must be dealt with. But our economy must be the priority. But How we deal with the economy now will determine my future. I will be going to college soon and will begin looking for a job. We must get Wilson out of office. I personally think Brown will do a good job. I think California can be No. 1 again. But we need leadership.


17, senior, Beverly Hills High School

I really haven’t followed this election as close as I should because I can’t vote. Like a lot of my friends, my opinions are shaped by the commercials and the things I read. I’m really scared sometimes. It’s becoming very unsafe to go to school or other places. All I know is that crime is way out of control, and if I could vote, it would be for the person I think would be toughest on crime. But if I could vote, I would hope that I would be more informed on what the candidates stand for.



17, senior, Century High School

For the first time, I’m really looking at the issues and trying to understand them. I know that what these politicians do will affect my life. I would vote for Wilson. I think he has done a good job, especially on illegal immigration, the economy and crime. His “three-strikes law” was badly needed. At school, I’m in the minority as to who I would support and what issues I think are important. It’s not a popularity contest. It’s who is the right person for the job.
