
Port Hueneme Council Denies Funds for Aquarium Study

Saying the city has no money, the Port Hueneme City Council has declined to donate $2,500 toward a plan to study building an aquarium at Channel Islands Harbor.

The council, which voted unanimously last week not to contribute to the project, said funds for any such project will go to the Ventura County BRAC ’95 Task Force--a group working to spare the county’s military bases from closure.

Supervisor John K. Flynn, one of the aquarium’s promoters, said he was not surprised with Port Hueneme’s decision.


“I understand their position,” Flynn said. “They are kind of up against the wall, and these are difficult times for them.”

The project calls for construction of an aquarium on county-owned land near Port Hueneme and Oxnard.

Promoters of the project, which would be named the Channel Islands Harbor Aquarium, believe the facility would become the largest tourist attraction in Ventura County and would create up to 1,000 jobs.


Funds for the $16,000 study include $6,000 from the county and $2,500 from the city of Oxnard.
