
Limbaugh on Limbaugh

Re Rush Limbaugh’s “Why I Am a Threat to the Left,” Column Right, Oct. 9:

The reason Rush Limbaugh is the leader of mainstream conservatives is because, better than anyone else, he articulates the beliefs, values and goals of hard-working, tax-paying, play-by-the-rules Americans. It isn’t any more complicated than that.



* I noted in Limbaugh’s nine-paragraph article that he used the words I 21 times, me five, my five and I’m four.

What he left out of his column of enlightenment is, I distort the truth for my own pretentious glory. I’m now earning millions of dollars by degrading, humiliating and making fools out of anyone who does not agree with me.

As a liberal Democrat, I do not fear Limbaugh and his lies. I , I’m , my and me will do him in sooner than he thinks. As well they should.


Mission Viejo

* Limbaugh claims, “The truth is, I provide information and analysis the media refuses to disseminate,” after stating in the previous paragraph, “Twenty million people a week listen to my radio show on 695 stations nationwide, on shortwave and Armed Forces Radio worldwide, while millions more watch my television show on 250 stations nationwide. Add to that 6 million copies sold of my two books and 475,000 monthly subscribers to the Limbaugh Letter.” It’s obvious to me that the media (i.e., radio, television, print) aren’t refusing to disseminate anything Limbaugh says.


Later he states, “Americans feel lied to by the so-called experts.” Then he proceeds to explain what he does. “I use facts. Statistics. I run the numbers . . . I sift through newspapers, newsmagazines, miles of videotape, books and speeches in a relentless pursuit of the truth.” Isn’t that exactly what “so-called experts” do?

It is clear that Limbaugh’s “real agenda” is “How can we fool ‘em today?”



* Thanks for the Limbaugh column.

The man is brilliant and deserves a “mainstream” printing now and then. He speaks my thoughts, and at long last I feel you might consider that important.


Santa Ana

* Limbaugh’s program usually contains about 30 seconds of something poignant and 29 minutes, less commercials, of entertainment and self-aggrandizement. Further, Rush’s latest tactic of making caricatures of certain American political leaders trivializes them and their efforts at governing, when in fact they need to be taken seriously and their agendas need to be weighed upon their merits. This then makes dialogue between opposing political points of view more difficult. Thus the real tragedy of Limbaugh’s demagogic tactics is that he creates an air of divisiveness which in turn increases the polarization taking place in American politics.



Alta Loma

* Limbaugh should be careful not to confuse his high ratings with political support. I watch his show regularly, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who watches because it’s one of the funniest things on TV.

Sorry Rush, a lot of people watch you for the same reason we watch the Three Stooges.


San Diego
